Derelict housing blocks in South Kilburn have become a haven for fly-tippers and trespassers, a neighbour has said.

June Turner, who lives in Granville Road, has branded the situation outside Hereford House and Exeter House “dangerous”.

She said fly-tipping was rife in the area after the last residents moved out of the blocks in 2021.

After a BBC report in March, the rubbish was cleared, June said, and the council promised to keep the site “under constant surveillance”.

This fencing panel had been pulled away, allowing trespassers easy access to the derelict siteThis fencing panel had been pulled away, allowing trespassers easy access to the derelict site (Image: Supplied)

But the 75-year-old claims that fly-tipping has continued, and trespassers have been seen going into the blocks through a broken fence panel in recent weeks.

June added that she had contacted the council to report her concerns, but that no noticeable action had been taken as of yesterday afternoon (August 29).

She told Brent and Kilburn Times: “There are youngsters going in and out through the broken panel, and I know they’re going into Hereford House.

“This is an accident waiting to happen, a fire could start.

“The council said they’ll investigate it and yet the panel is still open. It’s dangerous and it’s like the bureaucracy doesn’t care.”

Fly-tipping has also been a recurring issue, June saidFly-tipping has also been a recurring issue, June said (Image: Supplied)

Brent Council plans to build 247 homes at the site by 2026, following demolition of the existing buildings.

June said that the blocks “should have come down years ago”, but that instead they have become a magnet for anti-social behaviour.

She added: “It’s like banging your head against a brick wall with Brent Council.

“They talk about cameras, but the fence is still down. I told them - wait until something happens and I’ll have the proof that I warned you that this is dangerous.”

Cllr Shama Tatler, Brent’s cabinet member for planning, regeneration and growth, claimed that the missing fence panel has been replaced, and was fixed “as soon as we were informed”.

She said that the site is now monitored by a security alarm system which has reduced both trespassing and the dumping of rubbish.

The councillor added: “We have worked hard to clear the fly-tipping that was deliberately dumped at Hereford House.

“We will continue to monitor the area to prevent further fly-tipping to ensure that it is a safe and clean environment for local residents."