A man from Hendon who secretly filmed women through their windows has been jailed for stalking.

Shekhem Manning-Egeonwon, 20, was first reported to police in September last year by a mum aged in her 30s.

She said that Manning-Egeonwon, of Strugess Avenue, had been following her for five months, including while she took her child to school in Barnet.

The victim called officers next time she saw her stalker on the school run, allowing police to detain him on suspicion of stalking.

During his arrest, another woman, aged in her 40s, approached officers and told them that she was also being followed by Manning-Egeonwon.

Police were then able to obtain more than 100 videos from the 20-year-old’s mobile phone which showed videos of him following multiple other women.

The footage was taken both during the day and at night, and was sometimes filmed through victims’ windows.

Investigating officer Jas Brar described Manning-Egeonwon’s offending as “extreme”, and said the defendant would sometimes approach his victims directly or knock on their door.

Brar added: “His actions were menacing and highly intrusive and caused extreme distress to the women he targeted.

“It is completely unacceptable that anyone should be afraid to leave their home for fear of this kind of harassment or that their sense of personal safety should be damaged in this way.

“I would like to thank the victims for supporting the investigation and sincerely hope that they can now move forward with a degree of confidence, knowing that Manning-Egeonwon is no longer free to roam the streets.”

Manning-Egeonwon admitted to stalking the two women, having changed his plea midway through his trial in January this year.

He was jailed for 32 months at Harrow Crown Court on August 9. He is also subject to a restraining order which prevents him from contacting his victims.