A man who attacked a 65-year-old over a parking dispute has been convicted of manslaughter.

Peter Marecheau, known to family and friends as Frankie, died in hospital on September 12 where he was being treated for a life-threatening head injury.

He was taken to hospital following a disagreement about parking at Abbey Industrial Estate, off Mount Pleasant in Alperton.

Abdelaziz Maaroufi, 25, of Woodside End, Alperton, appeared at Harrow Crown Court today (July 12), where he was convicted of manslaughter following a trial.

Det Insp Louise Caveen of the Met’s Specialist Crime Command said: “We don’t know what made Maaroufi involve himself in the argument or why he resorted to extreme violence.

Brent & Kilburn Times: Victim Peter Marecheau, known to friends and family as FrankieVictim Peter Marecheau, known to friends and family as Frankie (Image: Met Police)

“Violence is never the right option, no matter what the disagreement, and anyone who allows their temper free reign in this way risks finding themselves in the same position as the defendant.”

Police were contacted by London Ambulance Service (LAS) at 4.20 pm on  September 9 2022 saying they had taken an injured man to hospital from Abbey Industrial Estate.

Officers attended the industrial estate where a crime scene was put in place and attended the hospital where Peter was being treated before he died three days later.

Detectives established that Peter worked at an industrial unit on the estate and had parked his car outside a nearby unit, where Maaroufi worked.

The unwritten rule on the estate was that if a car needed to be moved, someone would toot their horn and the vehicle would be moved.

However, on this day, the owner of the unit sounded his horn three times before Peter emerged from his workshop.

An argument broke out between Peter and the owner of the unit. Maaroufi took it upon himself to get involved in the argument and pushed Peter four times.

Despite others trying to diffuse the situation and Peter backing away, Maaroufi punched Peter once in the face, causing him to fall backwards onto the floor, which caused a significant head injury, Scotland Yard said.

A post mortem examination concluded that Peter had died as a result of blunt force head injury.

CCTV of the incident showed Maaroufi arguing with Peter before punching him in the face.

Maaroufi was arrested on suspicion of murder on September 12.

He admitted being the person involved in this incident, but suggested that he was acting in self-defence.

Maaroufi was charged with murder and subsequently pleaded not guilty. He was remanded in custody to await trial.

Following the guilty verdict for manslaughter, Maaroufi was remanded in custody for sentencing at the same court on July 21.

Det Insp Caveen added: “My thoughts are very much with Peter’s family today. I hope that they can find a small measure of solace in knowing that Abdelaziz Maaroufi will face the consequences of his actions.”