Residents in Sudbury are being invited to have their say in what could be the first ever neighbourhood plan in Brent.

The plan, which aims to create a greener, cleaner and safer Sudbury Town, prepared by the Sudbury Town Neighbourhood Forum, sets out how they want their area to be developed.

Cllr Margaret McLennan, lead member for regeneration and housing said: “We want to see communities taking action to create thriving and attractive local environments so it is good to see a neighbourhood plan progressing to this stage.

“Local residents should get involved in the consultation and have a say in how they would like to see Sudbury develop.”

A consultation into the plans began on Thursday October 23, and will run until 5pm December 3.

Copies of the draft plan can be found online at:

Consultation responses should be made to or Policy & Projects Team, Brent Civic Centre, Engineer’s Way, Wembley, HA9 0FJ